David Jenyns is recognized as one of the leading experts on designing profitable trading systems. This title was earned while working at one of Australia’s top brokerage firms, Ord Minnett, at the time of the 2000 internet boom.
To date David has authored numerous best selling trading books and courses including, “The MetaStock Programming Study Guide,” “The MetaStock Secrets Seminar DVD”, “Trading Secrets Revealed” and “Ultimate Trading Systems.”
David’s critique on trading, (seen in many trade magazines, including Chartpoint, Your Trading Edge and The Guppy Traders Newsletter) breaks through the common ground, giving readers something to sink their teeth into.
David now trades professionally, actively runs seminars, one-on-one training and plans out systematic money making trading systems. On his website (www.meta-formula.com) traders can uncover invaluable tools required to enhance their profits.
David advises, “Trading is not a get rich quick philosophy. It is a profession that needs to be mastered.”
He consistently motivates scores of people to an incredible and triumphant position … now it is your turn.
To date David has authored numerous best selling trading books and courses including, “The MetaStock Programming Study Guide,” “The MetaStock Secrets Seminar DVD”, “Trading Secrets Revealed” and “Ultimate Trading Systems.”
David’s critique on trading, (seen in many trade magazines, including Chartpoint, Your Trading Edge and The Guppy Traders Newsletter) breaks through the common ground, giving readers something to sink their teeth into.
David now trades professionally, actively runs seminars, one-on-one training and plans out systematic money making trading systems. On his website (www.meta-formula.com) traders can uncover invaluable tools required to enhance their profits.
David advises, “Trading is not a get rich quick philosophy. It is a profession that needs to be mastered.”
He consistently motivates scores of people to an incredible and triumphant position … now it is your turn.
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